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  Using Character Palette in
Macintosh® OS 10

Using Character Palette to Make Accented Characters in OS 10

Macintosh OS 10 includes a handy font accessory called the Character Palette. It has many features, and I will use it most often for viewing how a particular character appears in different fonts and for creating accented characters.

The following steps were done in OS 10.3 and may vary depending on which version of OS 10 you may have, but in general, this is how to use it:

1. Start by opening the System Preferences panel and by choosing the International Preferences pane. Click on the Input Menu tab and enable the Character Palette checkbox:

2. In this example a US flag icon appears on the menu bar for the Input Menu. Click the flag icon and choose the Character Palette from the drop-down menu.

3. Sometimes I will take time to search for just the right ampersand character. Character Palette lets me see the same character in many different fonts. You can select the one you like from the Font variation pane and click the Insert with Font button.

4. If you have an open document the desired character will appear in the document at the insertion point.

5. Many times you will need to create an accented character and it does not exist as a regular character on a the keyboard. For example, the Latin "n" with a tilde is often used in the Spanish language:

You shouldn't eat jalapeños for breakfast.

This character lies in the "extended" character range of the font (more on a font's extended characters can be found here).

To make this character, open the Character Palette, select the "by Category" button and choose "Accented Latin" from the category list. Then locate the character in the font and click to select it.

6. Click the insert button.

7. The character will appear at the insertion point in an open document.



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