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  FreeHand® Drawing Technique No. 5
Part B

9. Choose "New layer" from the menu.

10. The new layer will be called "Layer 1" by default. Click on the layer name (Layer 1) while the top ellipse is selected. This will send the cloned ellipse to Layer 1.

11. Next, click the check mark for Layer 1 to hide it. Note that this ellipse is not selected. This is because you are now looking at the original ellipse in the Foreground layer.

postit.gif   Note: This is a very common technique when combining objects. Many times you will need to preserve the original object and its position. Simply clone the object and send it to a new layer. Afterwards, you can send the object back to its original layer if you want.

12. Double-click the Pointer tool and select the "Contact sensitive" check box (FreeHand version 9 and up). If you don't use the contact sensitive setting (or you are using an earlier version) you will need to select them individually while holding the Shift key. The two objects are now selected (below center). Next click Modify > Combine > Union (afterwards you'll have to select the Foreground layer in the Layers panel to bring it back to the Foreground layer). This combines both objects into a single object (below right). While this new object is still selected, click Modify > Arrange > Send To Back. This object needs to be below the ellipse in the stacking order for the next operation to work properly.

13. Next, marquee-select all the objects (below left). When you do, you will see that all objects are selected (below center). Next, click Modify > Combine > Punch. Your result should look similar to the example shown below right. The "Punch" command knocks the top object out of the bottom object. That's why we made sure the ellipse was on top in the stacking order.

14. Now click the check mark for Layer 1 to make it visible again. You'll see the cloned ellipse made in an earlier step.

15. The cylinder is now complete (below left). You can send the ellipse to the Foreground layer or leave it on Layer 1 if you want. You can even add shading to the cylinder for a more realistic appearance (below right). I chose copper gradient fills for this example. Creating metallic gradients is covered in another tutorial.


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