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  Canvas™ 6 Paint Object Tutorial

Each paint object created in Deneba Canvas has its own individual properties such as channels and masks which move with the object when it is copied or moved across layers. Each paint object can be arranged in a stack of objects. There can be vector objects in the same stack. The following tutorial is a small example of what you can do with the paint creation and text tools along with the image filters.

1. The Paint Object Creator tool is located in the upper right corner of the Toolbox. Click the mouse on the tool, then move it to the right while still holding it down. A menu will appear. Click the settings for new paint objects. Click RGB Color, 72 PPI and Transparent Background. All new objects created with the tool will have these properties. You can always change these at any time.


2. Drag the mouse pointer diagonally to create the new paint object. You can always resize it with the Selection tool. First make sure the object is not in edit mode then Ctrl-Drag a handle to crop or expand the object.


3. When you release the mouse, the new paint object is in edit mode (the crop marks in the corners will appear when in edit mode). Note: The transparent portion of this paint object displays as a checkerboard pattern because of the preferences set in this tutorial.


4. You can select the Text tool and type directly on the object. After typing the last character, press Shift-Home to select all the characters. Then click the fill ink of your choice. After you select the color press Esc (Windows®) or Enter (Mac®) and the type will be rasterized to the resolution of the object (in this case 72 ppi). The text will be a floating selection surrounded by a familiar "marching ants" marquee. While the selection is floated you can move it anywhere in the image area.

Note: This technique is an alternate method of creating a transparent drop shadow effect. See the tutorial in this section of the site.


5. To save the selection, click Image > Select > Save, then choose "New Channel" in the dialog. When done, click "OK".


6. After you save the selection press Esc (Windows) or Enter (Mac). That will defloat the selection. This is a view of the paint object still in edit mode. Note that it has a selection mask stored as a channel. If you copy and paste this object, all the channels get copied with it.


7. Now let's ditch the type. Don't worry, you can always reload the selection mask and flood fill it with another color using the Bucket tool - which is just what we're going to do. First click Image > Select > All, then press the Delete key.


8. Next, click Image > Select > Load and choose the numbered channel from the pull down in the dialog. Also click the "New Selection" radio button, then click "OK".

cnvpaint08.gif cnvpaint09.gif

9. Here's a view of the selection marquee.


10. Click Image > Select > Feather, then choose 3 pixels in the dialog. Set the foreground color to black, then use the Bucket tool buckettool.gif and flood fill the selection. Feathering the selection creates a soft shadow effect.


postit.gif   Note: If the current stroke and fill inks are colors and not textures, symbols, gradients or hatches, the current stroke ink becomes the foreground color when a painting tool is selected, and the current fill ink becomes the background color when a painting tool is selected. If the current stroke and fill inks are textures, symbols, gradients or hatches, then when a painting tool is selected, the foreground color becomes black and the background color becomes white.

11. Now double-click the Wand tool wandtool.gif (193 bytes) and set the tolerance to zero with no anti-aliasing. Then click anywhere in the transparent section of the paint object. Next click Image > Select > Inverse. We are going to save this selection, then make a channel mask from it. A channel mask is used to make areas of objects appear transparent without damaging any pixels. Still, with Canvas 6 you can apply the channel mask either to a vector object or to a paint object. Save the selection as in step 5 above.


12. Display the Channels palette. You can see the RGB channels, plus the two selection channels we made (#5 and #6).


13. Drag channel number 6 into the channel mask slot and drop it. You just created a channel mask - simple!

cnvpaint14m.gif cnvpaint15m.gif

14. This is a view of the channel mask.


This was just a sample of what you can do. See the transparent drop shadow tutorial in this section of the site for an easy way to render type as an image.

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