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Archive for July, 2005

I’ve added a new and very important tutorial – on OpenType® fonts. Please take a look at it. I believe this new font format will take hold and eventually be in wide use by graphic design professionals. OpenType is still a relatively new font format even though it has been released for several years now.

I have also added another new tutorial that is related to OpenType fonts – Using OpenType Fonts With Adobe® InDesign®. This tutorial deals with how to access OpenType special features with InDesign.

Also, I revised the Font Basics – Part One tutorial to include a note about OpenType fonts.

Welcome to the Blog. Previously, you could find all the new tutorials at the “Newest Pages” page, but there was no way for you to catch any revisions. For example, I recently revised the QuarkXPress® Tips page. There you will find a faster and easier way to add hanging indents to your QuarkXPress layouts.

Keep checking back here at the blog to find the latest free fonts. Mike’s Sketchpad is proud to announce that we will be offering free OpenType® OTF (PostScript®) fonts whenever they become available. For example checkout “Generic Tech”, “5 x 6”, “Space Gothic” and “Metro Mono”. These are the first OpenType free fonts available at the free fonts archive.

Mike’s Sketchpad provides Photoshop tutorials, free fonts plus news, articles and other resources for the graphic arts professional.